Rules Of The Park

If you would like to print the rules here is a link to a PDF format


The purpose and intent of these rules is to inform all park users and Member Organizations of the obligations of all to be aware of how the park is to be used and maintained.

and Registration:

All park users must sign in at the kiosk located at the host area except that Member Organizations may choose to conduct sign-ins at a special event or work party and turn in sign-in forms to the Host on duty.

Day Use Visitors are to sign in and completely fill out the form provided when they pay their fees.

The information collected from visitor registration is extremely important when planning for future development.

Procedure for Park Host:

1. Greet the visitor at the kiosk

2. Show the visitor where to sign in

3. Check the sign-in form to determine if it is filled out correctly

4. Paying visitors must be given a cash envelope for their fee

5. The host will enter the envelope number on the visitor’s sign-in form

6. The host will deposit the fee envelope in the metal cash receptacle at the time of the transaction after having printed the visitor’s name on the envelope.

procedure for Park Hosts regarding overnight camping

1. The Host will assign the location for the visitor’s use

2. The host will supply the visitor with the Park rules about Fire Safety

Motor Vehicles

Fire danger and destruction of the grounds are the determining factors governing use of motor vehicles in the park.

The speed limit on the roads is 15 mph.

Motor vehicles are only allowed on established gravel roads and parking areas. Exceptions will be made for necessary maintenance functions and work details.

Hosted Special Events

Member Organizations or other entities hosting special events at the Park must provide to the Association an insurance binder covering the event. The document must be submitted 45 days in advance of the event so as to allow the BOD time to verify the coverage.

Sign–in for hosted events may be accomplished by the sponsoring organization. The forms used at the Host kiosk can be used or the forms can be modified to suit the needs of the sponsor. However, the same information required on the Park forms must be gathered by the hosting organization to be turned in to the Vice President within five days after the event.

A record of camping use must be kept. When camping is associated with an event hosted by a Member Organization, the hosting organization is responsible for collecting fees and reporting use connected with its event to the Vice President within five days after the event.

When crowds are expected, portable toilets are recommended. Absent that, the sponsoring Member Organization will be responsible for stocking and cleaning the restrooms before, during and after the event.

Fire Safety

No open fires are permitted during the NO BURNING season declared by the Oregon Department of Forestry. O.D.F. signs will be displayed at the gates and at all kiosks when NO BURNING is in effect.

Fires in park supplied fire rings, or in gas barbecues, gas hibachis, camp stoves or any other devices are permitted only in designated areas and only when the Host has been notified.

Charcoal cooking or heating devices are not permitted.

Fire suppression equipment must be at hand before any fire is started. A shovel and a full two gallon water container are the minimum. The Association will keep a supply of shovels and water buckets on hand which can be supplied by the host.

No fire may be left unattended. A person over the age of 18 years must be present at all times.

There will be no rubbish fires allowed during the NO BURNING season.

Rubbish fires to burn limbs and other dry, cut vegetation will be set in an area cleared of other fire hazards.

No rubbish fire may be set unless the fire truck is at hand, fully equipped, and ready to suppress any fire that goes out of control.

No fire may be abandoned until all ashes and embers are cold and wet.

The Fire Safety rules contained here will be posted at the kiosk by the BOD.

Overnight Camping

RV’s are allowed

Tent camping is permitted with restrictions on any disturbance of the grounds.

Motorized Park Owned Equipment

Motorized equipment may only be operated by persons whose names appear on the approved user list. The list will be maintained by the Secretary and distributed to the Hosts.

Equipment Owned By Member Organizations

Park membership does not entitle members to use property or equipment which is owned and controlled by Member Organizations unless that property or equipment is specifically designated for public use.

Each Member Organization will provide, for public use, some portion of its area of control and responsibility as well as any necessary equipment so that Day Use Visitors can enjoy all the facilities the Park offers.

Park Owned Hand Tools

An inventory of tools and their designated locations will be maintained.

From time to time the BOD will consider the condition and quantity of hand tools and whether they are properly placed and available for use.

Irrigation Systems

Only persons whose names appear on the approved user list may operate the irrigation systems. The list will be maintained by the Secretary and distributed to the Hosts.

Signs and Message Boards

Posting of safety and information signs are the responsibility of the Member Organizations who control or administer designated areas. These signs are subject to approval by the BOD.

The number, size, color, etc of signs is subject to BOD approval.

Radio Controlled Aircraft

1. No flying over the motocross area

2. All flying is to be performed beyond the safety line

3. Radio frequency conflicts must be avoided

4. No alcohol consumption is allowed during any flight operations

5. Only pilots and their helpers are allowed at the flight line

6. All children must be supervised by an adult

7. No children are allowed on the flight line unless as a pilot or when under flight instruction

8. Klamath Flightmasters operates the facility under the rules of the Academy of Model Aeronautics

Archery Ranges

Several signs will be posted on each of the archery ranges advising visitors to sign in at the Host area before entering any of the archery areas.

Any trails for ATVs on the Archery ranges are to be clearly marked, otherwise ATVs are prohibited except at the designated off highway venues.

Portions of the archery ranges are open to the public.

Rifle and Pistol Ranges

The rifle and pistol ranges are open to the public seven days a week.

Rifle and pistol ranges may be closed to the public for cleaning, repairs and special events.

Sporting Clays Range

Portions of the Sporting Clays range are open to the public.

Motorcycle and Off Highway Vehicle Areas

The speed limit in the park is 15 MPH on the improved roads

When using the improved roads, riders are to keep all of the wheels of their vehicle on the road at all times. This is the “No Wheelie Rule”

In the motorized vehicle competition areas, users are to stay on the established trails and routes. Any changes in the established trails and routes are to be accomplished by the appropriate Member Organizations. Those changes must be approved by the Park BOD.

All riders must have Oregon compliant licenses

All riders who have not reached their 18th birthday must be accompanied by a properly licensed adult who is on hand to supervise and who has paid the park Day Use Fee or is a park member.

Only the Motocross track is open to the public for OHV, RV or ATV use. All other tracks and trails are closed except during sponsored events.


Any deficiency should be reported to the on duty Park Host. The Park Hosts are required to make written reports to the BOD each month, prior to the monthly BOD meeting.

In accordance with our Land Use Agreement with Klamath County, all construction must be approved. The BOD will attempt to coordinate projects in the interest of all Member Organizations.

When crowds are expected, portable toilets are recommended. Absent that, the sponsoring Member Organization will be responsible for stocking and cleaning the restrooms before, during and after the event.


The gate near the 600 yard rifle range that accesses the JWTR property shall remain locked.

Entry to the JWTR property by employees of JWTR is permitted. Proof of employment is required. The person entering the JWTR property shall leave his or her drivers license with the Host while in possession of the gate key. The host will record the name of the person on the Host’s monthly report.

The gate at the southwest corner of the property shall remain locked.

It is understood that at certain times it may be necessary to access the river for the purpose of filling a water truck during OHV events. The gate must be monitored and never left unattended while such operations are occurring. The hosting organization is to make arrangements in advance of any event so that the person controlling the gate is known to the BOD and the Hosts. The Host will record the name of the person on the Host’s monthly report.

The main gate on Highway 66 shall remain open at all times. Emergency response vehicles must have access to the Park at all times.

March 2010

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